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Thank You, Deacon Denise!
We'd rather not think about this, but we must - Deacon Denise's four-year ministry at Christ Church ends today. Before she leaves, we are...

Collect, Readings, and Livestream for September 8, 2024
The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 Holy Eucharist in Old Brick with Rev. Emmanuel Ato Mercer 9:00 Family Worship in New Brick with...

Four Parting Thoughts
For the past several weeks, Christ Church parishioners have been coming up to tell me they’ll miss me when I leave. Out of a state of...

Join Us in Showing Deacon Denise Our Thanks
We'd rather not think about this, but we have to... Deacon Denise's ministry at Christ Church is coming to an end this Sunday, as she...

Catch the Joy!
A few weeks ago, our seminarian associate, Mike Looney, wrote in Gatherings about his experience of liminal space—a period or time of...

Thanks, Canon Randy!
A huge expression of gratitude to Canon Randy Callender and his family for leading Christ Church in worship again this morning. He...

‘The Harvest Is Plentiful, But The Labourers Are Few’
We’ve entered our fourth week of “Ordinary Time,” the parts of the liturgical year that fall outside of the major seasons of the church...

Sowing the Seeds
Today, I attended the inaugural meeting of the Howard County Interfaith Council, on which I was invited to serve. County Executive Calvin...

Collect, Readings, Sermon and Livestream for August 6, 2023
The Transfiguration 8:00 a.m. Worship in New Brick 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with music in New Brick Collect for Today: O God, who on the...

We Are One
This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. In my family, we like to keep it simple. Our plans this weekend include, weather permitting, a...

Christ Church Outreach News: February 2, 2023
Somos Amigos Welcomes 2023 By Holding a Productive Clinic Volunteers once again traveled to the Dominican Republic to provide medical and...

What Is Your Destiny?
A Saint Bernard crashes the Gospel reading during a sunset Eucharist on the beach. A home renovation crew clad in paint-splattered work...

Advent II and Confirmation Sunday
Last weekend, we had quite the busy Sunday at Christ Church. To start, we were pleased to welcome Bishop Robert Ihloff, Assisting Bishop...

Collect, Readings, Sermon, and Livestream for November 13, 2022
Pentecost XXIII 8:00 a.m. in Old Brick 9:00 Family Worship in New Brick 10:30 a.m. with Music and Choir in New Brick You can view our new...

Stewarding the Manifold Grace of God
This August, I’ll head once again down I-81, to help move my daughter Jordan into her sorority house for her junior year of college at...

June 19, 2022: Not Just Another Summertime Sunday
For the past few years, Christ Church’s Racially Aware Group of Episcopalians ministry has worked to educate the congregation about...

Through Him, All Things Came Into Being
Ramadan begins this Saturday. Our Muslim friends will observe a month-long period of prayer, reflection, and fasting, much the same as...

Lent at Christ Episcopal Church
Lent is a season of transformation and self-examination, when we ask God for forgiveness and repentance while creating space to talk...

CEC Outreach News: January 27, 2022
Episcopal Relief and Development Gets Disaster Aid After Wildfires The New Year hadn’t yet begun when wildfires swept through Boulder...

Be Part of The Long Welcome: Donations Needed for our Refugee Family
Under our Good Neighbor Partnership with Lutheran Social Services, Christ Church’s Refugee Ministry will soon be settling an Afghan...
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