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Colors Which Hide Our Beauty
There is a story of a monk who decided to paint an old door in his monastery. This monk decided to scrape the old paint on the door so he...
An Ode To Joy
Last Saturday I had the privilege of joining my family to celebrate the wedding of my beautiful and amazing niece. She graduated from...
Advent: A Season Pregnant With Hope
Beginning on Sunday, the Church universal will begin a new season, and the beginning of a new liturgical year. Advent is a season primed...
Happy Thanksgiving
I remember my first Thanksgiving in the United States being one of utter amusement and self-examination. It was here in Maryland, at my...
Thank You.
During service on Sunday, we brought our pledge cards forward, put them in a basket, and then stood together to offer the Thanksgiving...
Wearing An Attitude Of Gratitude
This Sunday, we will gather as a community of faith to receive and bless the pledge cards for the Pledge Your Love Campaign. This is an...
When Enough is More Than Enough
When I was in high school, I visited a mercy ship with my mother. The ship had docked at one of Ghana’s ports and among providing health,...
Do You Sharpen Your Axe?
This past Sunday, we gathered together for the Christ Church Annual Meeting. It was my second Annual Meeting, and of course it was a...
What Kind Of Town (Church)?
On Sunday, October 21, 2018, we will gather to celebrate our life together as a community of faith that reflects God’s rainbow - rich in...
Each Gives What He (She) Has
Last week we began mailing out the “Pledge Your Love” campaign letters and cards to individual homes of our parishioners and friends. We...
Blessing Machine
In one of my daily morning devotionals, I chanced upon this phrase “Blessing Machine.” I thought that was very cute because that was my...
Living Victoriously
I read a story about a little boy who was walking with his father on a beautiful evening in their neighborhood. They walked past a house...
Of Flea Market, Bargain Sales, and Community.
There's nothing like a bargain sale. We all desire to buy something at a less expensive cost than it is sold. On special holidays when...
Sundays at Christ Church
Very often, the most challenging part of our experience has been our ability to embrace change. There has been times when some go to war...
Welcome! Bienvenido! Bienvenue! Akwaaba! Huān Yíng! Eku Abo! Youkoso! Nnabata! Karibu! Willkommen!
Welcome! That's one of the most powerful words in any vocabulary. It connotes acceptance and goodwill, a warm embrace that highlights the...
Never Take The Easy Path
This past week we lost one of America's great heroes - Senator John McCain. I have always admired him - from a distance, of course. I...
Presence Of A Pet
Very early in my ministry as a Vicar of a small church in Ghana, I got myself a puppy as a pet. That was my first pet. I am tempted to...
Of Obedience and Fried Chicken
There are times when we are moved by the thoughts of so-called ordinary people-not theologians, celebrities, politicians or scholars but...
Hidden in Plain Sight
As many of you know, we have over the past several weeks been working on developing and in fact building an enduring partnership with...
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