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Our Christmas Pageant was a Joy to Behold!
The 4 p.m. Christ Pageant went beautifully, with wonderful portrayals and narration by the kids, gorgeous seasonal handbell music, a...
Give Kiona Our Support this Saturday!
This Saturday, December 14th, is a very special day for those of us at Christ Church. Bishop Carrie Schofield-Broadbent will ordain Kiona...
Thanksgiving & The Great Thanksgiving
One of my favorite TV shows is The Great British Baking Show . The baker I’m rooting for this season is Dylan. He said that he has an...
Fitness + Fun + Fellowship = Fantastic!
The first Sports Festival at Christ Church couldn't have asked for better weather - or better competition! All ages showed up and...
Cup-Stacking Fun!
Christ Church's first Sports Festival took place yesterday under beautiful sunshine and warm weather, but we had fun a activities and...
Sunday School Started!
Sunday School began this morning, with a beautiful day it was! We made music, played games, created beautiful crafts, and learned lessons...
Happy New Year!
There are solar new years, Asian lunar new years, the liturgical calendar new year, Muslim new year, and a new year for every culture and...
God's Call to Ordained Ministry
Greetings, Dear Christ Church Community! I'm going to share a few snippets of my life that eventually led to God’s calling and candidacy...
Register Now for Christ Church Sunday School!
Christ Church's Sunday School Ministry believes in growing a deep and wide faith in kids through education in the Gospel, serving our...
Building Dreams in Kentucky
Jasmine, Alex, and Kiona recently returned from a super intense week of DreamBuilding! They traveled to Hazard, Kentucky with Maryland...
Our Wreath-Making Event was Festive and Fun
Thanks to everyone who turned out for our Advent Wreath-Making gathering in New Brick this weekend! It was a fundraiser to help support...
Advent Wreath-Making Fundraiser - December 2
It is that time of year! Advent will be here soon, and we are having an Advent wreath-making fundraiser for our youth. We will invite the...
Thanksgiving Day Worship at Christ Church
Come join us at 10 a.m. for the Thanksgiving Day Eucharist in New Brick. We welcome everyone to gather with us, but we will also...
Sunday School & Youth Formation begins this Sunday!
We are excited to begin a new season of Sunday School and Youth Formation! Sunday School for children begins immediately after the 9 a.m....
Our Youth Need the Church
Recently, despite my reluctance, I watched the movie Jesus Revolution. First, about the reluctance: It is because I have been...
Our Youth Ministry is Freshening Up for Fall!
Any great youth ministry starts with an equally great location in which to congregate, and thanks to a dedicated and creative group of...
Collect, Readings, Sermon and Livestream for July 23, 2023
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 a.m. Worship in New Brick 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Music and Choir in New Brick Collect for...
Youth Ministry Virtual Gathering - This Monday at 7 p.m.
JOIN US ON ZOOM TO BE A PART OF OUR YOUTH MINISTRY! Monday at 7 p.m. Christ Church's Director of Youth and Family Ministries, Kiona, is...
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