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Pan Drums and Pancakes - Must Be Shrove Tuesday!
Food, fun, and fundraising... THAT'S what our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is all about! A great time was had by all - check the video...

Ash Wednesday Services - February 14
Ash Wednesday reminds us of our mortality and of what we are made of. To get our thoughts and ourselves ready and prepared for Lent,...

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - TONIGHT
The incredible youth of Christ Church will once again host our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! Tonight, February 13th, join us in...

ONE MORE WEEK! Send Your Submissions for the 2024 Lenten Meditation Book
For decades, Christ Church has compiled a Lenten Meditation Book and distributed it to our parishioners on the Sunday preceding Ash...

A Truly Fitting Celebration
What an Easter Sunday at Christ Church! We had hundreds of every age come to worship in person at our three services, and more than...

Hope, light in darkness Birth and death, resurrection Easter’s reaffirmation © 2023 Robin Bradley

He has Risen! Easter Sunday at Christ Church
On Sunday, we reach Easter Day – a day of joy, celebration, and the gift of life to God’s people. There are three services that morning,...

Holy Saturday at Christ Church - 7 p.m. in New Brick
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil and Eucharist, Lighting of the New Fire, and Baptisms Saturday, April 8th 7:00 p.m. in New Brick As the church...

Lenten Meditation for Today: The Tomb
Mary of Magdalene came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark. John 20:1 Jesus in the tomb is one proof we have that...

Good Friday Services at Christ Church
Good Friday Friday, April 7th 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. Veneration of the Cross and Eucharist in New Brick Christians throughout the world...

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 6th 5:00 p.m. Seder meal in New Brick 7:00 p.m. Eucharist in New Brick, with foot-washing and stripping...

Lenten Meditation for Today: St. Francis Brings Peace at Gubbio
A story taken and edited from the “Life of St. Francis” at the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi in San Francisco As Francis’...

Tenebrae - Wednesday Evening
As Jesus draws ever closer to the events of Good Friday, the church readies itself by reading the service of Tenebrae, taken from the...

Lenten Meditation for Today: Casting Nets
Angling For the right Expression As I write Is like Fishing Some words Glide gently Into my mind Others slip Away, And there are those...

Lenten Meditation for Today: How the Light Comes
I cannot tell you how the light comes. What I know is that it is more ancient than imagining. That it travels across an astounding...

The Lord's Prayer
☀Midway through our "Meditations on the Passion" service yesterday, the early evening sunlight started slowly filtering through the New...

Lenten Meditation for Today: Before the Throne of God Above
I have a strong, a perfect plea, A great High Priest whose name is love Who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on His Hands,...

What Happens in Holy Week?
What Happens in Holy Week? by Mother Marcia Christians celebrated the last week of Jesus' life as a repeating time of remembering, even...

Meditations on the Passion: Sunday Evening
Meditations on the Passion Sunday, April 2nd at 6:00 p.m. in New Brick This Palm Sunday evening, Christ Church will present Meditations...
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