Christ Episcopal Church is one of many churches in our area that helps provide nourishment and assistance to the homeless community. One of these ways is through the support of the Dorsey Community Resource Center in Jessup, MD.
On the second Monday of each month, we traditionally serve a chicken dinner with all the trimmings. The food for this meal is provided by parishioners or purchased with donated funds, and a handful of Christ Church parishioners serve the meal.
Lightly used clothing and personal items are also given to the Center's closet, and canned food items given to help stock their pantry.
In addition to this, funds provided by the CEC Outreach Commission help the Day Resource Center ministry make occasional large purchases of OTC medicines and pharmacy items.
More information can be found by visiting the Day Resource Center website, which is located here. You can also visit their Facebook page.
The Dorsey (Rt. 1) Center's current pantry needs the following to help the homeless: canned fruit, dried pasta, grape jelly, cans of Chef Boy-ar-Dee (all flavors), 4-pound bags of sugar, and non-dairy powdered coffee creamer. Feel free to drop items off at the Dorsey Center, or our Church Office, any time during business hours.