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Christ Church's Health Ministry

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

3 John 1:2

The Christ Episcopal Church Health Ministry was launched in 2019, with the goal of promoting health and wellness among the individuals and families of Christ Church.


Health Ministry montage.jpg

Our aim is to offer many opportunities to focus on living a healthier lifestyle, as well as learning about general wellness and disease prevention, and these things are achieved through online gatherings, educational seminars, and group workshops. Some of the topics that we have, and plan to, address include: living with chronic illness such as diabetes or heart disease, exercise regimens, pathways to healthier nutrition, and maintaining mental health care during uncertain times.


Other disease prevention and health activities including monthly blood pressure screenings and one-on-one consultations with licensed pharmacists and nurses are available for all parishioners.


Let's go! Join us on Saturdays for an invigorating ride around Columbia's footpaths and parks. We meet at the church and take off for an hour of no-stress group riding. All ages (child accompanied by parent/guardian) and skill levels are welcome - no one is left behind!

Meet us at the Christ Church campus on the first and third Saturdays at 9 a.m., or email

Grab your bike

and helmet...
and RIDE!


Cycling for Health and Fellowship is a Christ Episcopal Church Ministry and Baltimore Bicycle Club Group Ride. In the summer of 2024, we will follow a specific 10-mile route. At first, the ride parallels a road named Oakland Mills, which has large dedicated two-way bike lanes on its east side. We will then transition to Columbia multi-use trails at Blandair Park. After a road crossing, we make it to the edge of Lake Kit near the mall. We will then pass between Merriweather District and Merriweather Post Pavilion. The most difficult part of the ride comes next. To make it to Martin Road, we will exit Merriweather, cross Broken Land Parkway, and take a left on Marin Road (this left turn may be the most dangerous part). We then cycle down Martin Road with cars passing us. Next, we turn left to cross 29 on a small overpass and proceed South on Shaker Road, which contains moving cars too. Along that road, we take a brief break for fellowship and stretching. Meanwhile, sometimes someone quickly buys and packs away a treat from the French bakery there. From Shaker, we then transition onto multi-use trails at Macgills Basketball Court.  On this trail, we especially ring bells and give verbal notices because there are many pedestrians. Some pedestrians have dogs so we proceed while carefully navigating around pedestrians and dogs. Finally, we pass by Lake Elkhorn and reach the starting point, the Christ Episcopal Church parking lot. 


The CECHM recently published an anonymous survey and sent it to parishioners, so they could express their health and wellness priorities, and tell us how we might best serve those needs as a ministry. 
Health Ministry Survey Results as of Spring 2024.jpg
To take the survey, visit

Christ Church's Health Ministry is always looking for ways to partner with local and regional health and medical-related agencies and personnel to provide more comprehensive health and wellness advice, programs, and information, so that we all can live our best lives.


If you are interested in volunteering to assist the CEC Health and Wellness Ministry, have questions that you'd like to ask, or have any suggestions for future topics, please contact Diane Phillips Laguerre, RN,CCM or Bunmi Daramaja, R. Ph.


And if you'd like to help support the work of the CEC Health Ministry, you can do so securely by using our donation portal located here.


If you need more information or have a health-related question, please email us:

Christ Church Health Ministry on...


Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree.


Stress can be caused by overwhelming responsibilities, uncontrollable situations, work, activities, change in life, hate and abuse.


If you’re stressed, you might feel anxious, nervous and afraid, unable to enjoy yourself, depressed, overwhelmed, irritable, angry, impatient, lack of motivation or focus and even lose your sense of humor. 


Stress can also result in muscle tension or pain, fatigue chest pain, chest pain, change in sex drive, drug and alcohol misuse and effect on decision making.


There are many ways that you can handle or get rid of stress holistically without depending on medication, like:
• Get active with any virtually any form of physical activity
• Get enough sleep
• Meditate frequently
• Laugh more
• Connect with your community or faith base organization
• Try yoga
• Keep a journal
• Avoid drug & alcohol
• Make time to unwind
• Take breaks from watching, reading or listening to the news and
social media
• The use of wearable natural Stem Cell technology has shown
to reduce stress drastically.



Provided by B. Daramaja, RPh./ACIL Consulting


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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