Weddings at Christ Church
Marriage is the covenant between two people entered into before God in the Church. Marriage is never a private event in the life of a Christian; for that reason, weddings are a celebration before loved ones who also serve as witnesses. Marriage is a sacramental institution, given to us by God for our mutual joy and is the visible sign of the mystery of the union of love between Christ and the Church – a sign of gracious, sacrificing, faithful love. It is a lifelong commitment by two people to love, honor and cherish one another through life in faithfulness and true godliness.
All people of faith are welcome to celebrate their weddings at Christ Church. If none of the couple are members of Christ Church, the Rector or an assignee of the Rector will officiate. Other than that, we expect that at least one person must be a baptized Christian and should be an active contributing member of Christ Church, or the child of parents or grandparents who are active members of Christ Church.
The couple are to meet with Rector, agree on the date for the wedding and set dates for the Rector to provide spiritual direction and guidance in preparation for the marriage. There will be a minimum of four meetings between the individuals and the Rector. A person, or persons, who have previously been married and divorced must secure written permission to marry from the Bishop of the Diocese of Maryland. The Bishop’s consent will be granted upon the recommendation of the Rector. Please call the Church Office and schedule an appointment with Rector.
If you are interested in learning more about celebrating a wedding at Christ Church, contact the Church Office.