Our Vestry is United to Serve
Christ Episcopal Church.
The role of our Vestry is to act on behalf of the Parish in all matters concerning property, finances, and the relations of the Parish to our Clergy. Each fall, new Vestry members are elected by our congregation and are bound to represent the interests of our church community.
We are regularly amazed at how many ministries and outreach programs our church supports. Each one is a blessing, for we know that our ministries are only possible through the help of volunteers and the financial support of this congregation. Lay leadership is crucial to the effectiveness of our Church and our ministries. If you are involved in any of these ministries, we thank you for your efforts. If you are not currently involved in a ministry and would like some assistance discerning where God is calling you to help, the content on this website will help you further understand all of the available opportunities that Christ Episcopal Church has to offer.
It is our honor to serve you, the congregation, and we always welcome your ideas, as they are of great assistance to us. If you have a suggestion, question, or concern, please contact our Wardens.
There is a place for all of us here at Christ Church, and we look forward to growing and sharing the future with our beloved Parish.