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A Taizé Vespers to Comfort Those Who Have Experienced Loss - Tonight

Taizé: Rosemary for Remembrance

This Sunday, December 1st at 6:00 p.m.

in the New Brick Sanctuary

The weeks leading up to Christmas can be a pressured time, and frazzled nerves can cause us to get beside ourselves. In addition, the impact of losing a loved one has been felt by all of us at one time or another. To comfort us all, we encourage you to gather with us for our combination Taizé / Rosemary for Remembrance service, worship that’s created to support those who have experienced loss this year, as well as those dealing with an added amount of strain or stress during the holiday season. It’s a quiet, reflective worship that helps us slow down and recover ourselves, as fellow parishioners gift us with songs, reflections, and poems as we all pray together in worship and support. It’s a comforting and meditative service that inspires us to lift up all of those loved ones who have left us and help each other through the hectic season ahead. Don’t miss it. 

If you cannot gather with us in person, you can worship using the livestream below. The service leaflet can be found at

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