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Be Part of The Long Welcome: Donations Needed for our Refugee Family

Under our Good Neighbor Partnership with Lutheran Social Services, Christ Church’s Refugee Ministry will soon be settling an Afghan refugee family into their own residence. Items needed for setting up and maintaining the home can be found in this Signup Genius link, where you can sign up to donate items and gift cards. You may also scan the QR Code that’s in the Narthex, and it'll take you to the donation form.

Once you’ve purchased items, you can drop them at the church on Sunday mornings (in the New Brick nursery) or at the church office (we will place a bin in the entryway, marked “RESETTLE”) during normal office hours. NOTE: All donated items must be in new or like-new condition. Additionally, we are not currently accepting donations other than those on the sign-up list. Please stay tuned for additional needs as they arise.

If you prefer to make a financial contribution to help support the family, you may send a check to Christ Church marked “Refugee Ministry,” or donate online. Please speak with Deacon Denise or Jan DeBoissiere, or email us at if you have any questions.

Thank you for being part of this important ministry!


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