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CEC Center for Spiritual Nourishment - This Saturday, May 11

The Center for Spiritual Nourishment will provide opportunities for spiritual growth for CEC members and the larger community by offering an array of experiences that engage the mind, body, and spirit. Sessions will be scheduled throughout the morning across the campus for folks to join in as they are interested. We will be tending to our souls in community!  

Join for any or all of the morning as we offer:

Contemplative Christianity and Meditation

Spiritual Direction Group

Exploring Thin Spaces and Liminal Places

Science Supporting Spiritual Reality

Trauma-Informed Care: The Basics

Healing Liturgy Worship Service



Saturday, May 11th

9 a.m. to 12 noon

on the entire Christ Episcopal Church campus

Beverages, light snacks, and childcare are provided.

Session Schedule:

Session Descriptions:

 Spiritual Direction Group:

Are you looking for a way to deepen your spiritual life in a small dedicated community? If so, we invite you to consider joining with 5-7 people for a five-month spiritual direction group. We'll listen deeply to each other, scripture, poetry, nature, and our bodies as we seek to hear the voice of the Holy moving in our lives.


Science Supporting Spiritual Reality:

Too many people compartmentalize science and religion allowing them to conflict, and our children are taught that our existence is nothing more than our physical existence in this three dimensional world walking through time.  This program will explore and provide scientific evidence, not proof, that neither of these positions are true; that our greater reality lies in the spiritual realm, a dimensionality within which this physical, temporal world exists. The NDE (Near-Death Experience) evidence points to our spiritual reality, and many of the newer scientific discoveries point to a physical world more complex and intricate than ever imagined, a world which cannot come into being without a creator.  We will find a Creator intimately involved in this creation and truth in His words, “Come now, let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18).  Due to length of session, plan to meet in Parish Hall (lower level of the Administration building by Old Brick) at 9 a.m.  Come early for coffee, snacks, and socializing in New Brick.


Contemplative Christianity & Meditation:

Discover the desire God has to commune with us and how to inwardly attune ourselves to the Spirit's voice.  Learn (briefly) about the history of contemplative Christianity, study the power of breathwork, be led through guided visualizations, become proficient in multiple techniques for stilling the mind, and practice drawing focus into your heart center.  In a mixture of teaching, discussion, and practice, strengthen your ability to engage in the equally important side of the conversation with God--if prayer is talking to the Lord, meditation is listening to God’s voice, and being changed by God’s presence.  Two sessions offered each month (both are the same).


Exploring Thin Spaces and Liminal Places:

Participants will experience a safe space for dialogue and practical exercises to help them explore the meaning of “thin space,” "liminal place,” and living on the “edge of the inside.” To help gain insights from these terms, participants will have opportunities for their own inner work, dwelling in three readings from published stories of people from three distinct communities (art, literature, sports) and three readings related to transitional places (beach, doorway, and “home office”). They will be encouraged to “see with the eyes of a mystic,” to hear the sounds of trees and bees, and to be present on the threshold of each encounter with another person in their daily lives.  Number of monthly sessions is TBD; email us at the address below for more information.


Trauma-Informed Caring:

Most of us have trauma histories (conscious or unconscious) that continue to manifest negatively in our lives when triggered; our communities themselves might be traumatized in one way or another.  During this five-session gathering, participants will gain a working knowledge of the theory of trauma and its effects on mind, body and spirit.  Seminarian Mike is excited to share what he has learned about trauma and the importance of trauma-informed care for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.


If you would like more information or have any questions, please email us at


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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