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CEC Outreach News: November 27, 2020

The Christ Church Angel Tree Goes Virtual to Brighten Christmas for Howard County Children

It is that time of year when the Outreach Commission invites parishioners to collect toys and clothing before Christmas to complete gift “packages” for young angels. We are focusing our support on children ages 10 to 12 to meet a need identified by The Salvation Army. Since we are not physically in church together, our Angel Tree has gone online. (For those who prefer to go totally virtual, please skip to the “Hands Off” section below.) Instead of taking a tag with a child’s name and wish list as in the past, you can sign up as follows:

- Click here to choose an angel. A child’s complete package includes 3 toys and 2 clothing/shoes gifts (such as one outfit and a coat).

- You may sign up for as many — or as few — angels/gifts as you want. You will receive an email notification regarding each angel and gift you have selected.

- When you are ready to drop off gifts, please place them — unwrapped — inside a plastic bag and tie a tag or label on it that clearly states the name and identifying number of the angel. You may put multiple gifts for the same angel in one bag. Put gifts for a different angel(s) in separate bags.

- The bags can be dropped off in a marked bin at the church just inside the Parish Hall door until 2 p.m. on every weekday from Mon. 11/30 to Fri. 12/11. Please call the church office (410) 381-9365 to let them know when you are coming (same day is fine). The last day to drop off gifts is Friday, Dec. 11th.

Staying safe by keeping “Hands Off:” If you would like to participate, but want to do everything (shopping and delivery) online, you may do so directly on The Salvation Army web page. Go to and click on the red bar that says “Adopt an Angel.” Go to Ellicott City (Howard County) and click on “Adopt an Angel” to choose an angel, order gifts online and have delivery made to the Howard County Angel Tree warehouse. Delivery instructions for Amazon should pop up automatically but you can also access them for future reference at this link. Please tell us via email ( so that we can keep track of how many children Christ Church supports this year.

Through either method, we will lift the hearts not only of the angels but of their families. Parents obtain the unwrapped gifts from The Salvation Army to prepare for a Christmas that will be much brighter than they could otherwise afford. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call Melanie Yaksich at (410) 908-3520 or email

Gratitude to All Who Made the 2020 Thanksgiving Drive a Success

The makings of many Thanksgiving meals have gone from the big yellow bin at Christ Church to the homes of Howard County families. Dozens of parishioners dropped off delicious desserts and non-perishable side dishes by the end of the drive on Nov. 22nd (click above image for slideshow). Others contributed financially to help make the holiday special in 2020. Thanks to one and all!

In collaboration with the nonprofit organization, FISH of Howard County, Christ Church once again collected sides such as potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, and cranberry sauce. To keep people safe during the pandemic, the Outreach Commission also arranged for online purchase by Christ Church of 25 frozen turkeys and five fresh chicken roasters that were delivered directly to the FISH pantry. FISH volunteers made the first visits to participating families on the weekend, and more visits were set to take place earlier this week. The bounty turned out to be even greater than the needs of the families, who are now in line for much anticipated menu assistance for the Christmas holiday.

Baltimore International Seafarers' Center Donations

The Seafarers charity is again requesting donations from Christ Episcopal Church. The group is asking for warm hats for men, 2021 Calendars, and copies of the following magazines : Time ; People; Sports Illustrated; National Geographic, Reader's Digest, Smithsonian, New Yorker, Baltimore Magazine and travel magazines. These items may be placed in the bin marked 'Seafarers'. Because lower brick will be open for drop off and pick up of auction items this weekend, the bins will also be available during those times for donations. Please have your donations in by next Monday, November 30th. Thank you for your attention to this important community outreach.

DreamBuilders - New Build Date

The next DreamBuilders Desk Build date is December 5th. The DreamBuilders’ first two efforts at building portable and foldable desks for students was so successful, and we want to continue to get these desks out to those who need them. Our work site will be indoors, at a large warehouse facility and will include social distancing, masks, and other measures to minimize potential exposure to the coronavirus. To learn more about the Build Days and how you might be able to help, please visit the DreamBuilders' website at

Springfield Hospital Christmas Gifts

We will once again be collecting Christmas gifts for our friends at Springfield Hospital. This has been a particularly difficult year for them, as they have been unable to have visits due to the pandemic. Though we haven’t been able to make our usual visits, we will be gathering gifts for them to bring a little Christmas Joy. If you would like to contribute, we have placed a large container in the Tower Room to accept your unwrapped donations, before December 14th. If that’s inconvenient, please contact Cathy Gold and we will find a way. or (410) 440-4178.

For anyone who has suggestions about ways to help the community, would like to get involved, or if you need any assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.


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Columbia, Maryland 21045

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