Christ Church Outreach News: February 20, 2025

Get Your Tickets to the ‘More Than Hope’ Concert this Sunday, Feb. 23
The third annual “More than Hope” event in support of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23 at the Owen Brown Interfaith Center, 7246 Cradlerock Way in Columbia. Tickets cost $25 and can be purchased here. The multicultural concert, presented by Leslie Ebert and Jay Green, features dance, music, and an immigrant’s personal story. The speaker will be Viridiana Colosio-Martinez, adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Proceeds go to Luminus, Network for New Americans, which was formerly known as the Foreign-Born Information and Referral Network (FIRN). The Interfaith Refugee Ministry, led by Christ Church, recently arranged an information session to update Afghan family members on their rights. A Luminus attorney conducted the session without charge.

CCD-Thailand Reports Progress, Sends Thanks to Christ Church
The Christian Foundation for Disabled Children (CCD-Thailand) has sent greetings and expressed gratitude to Christ Church, which last year donated $1,000 toward a physical therapist’s salary. These are Vestry-approved budget funds drawn from parishioners’ contributions. So from CCD to you, many thanks!
The goal is to help disabled children and young people lead more fulfilling lives, which the Outreach Commission has done for many years by supporting the salary of a physical or vocational therapist. This is in keeping with the Outreach mission statement to help those in need through organizations that are local, national, and international.
CCD described results in a 2024 report signed by Director/Founder Wasan Saenwian and Chariya Saenwian. “The foundation has gained the trust of parents who have continued to bring their children to participate in various programs. Many parents shared that their children experienced significant improvements in rehabilitation programs, with several progressing to the point where they could leave the foundation. Some children successfully transitioned to inclusive schools, adapting well to their peers and learning school rules.”
At “one unforgettable event for both children and parents,” 120 people attended the 22nd Rainbow Friendship Camp at a facility in Pattaya, Thailand. “For many families, this was their first time bringing their disabled children to see the ocean. Foundation staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure the children were safe and well cared for while playing on the beach.”
Another initiative came to fruition nearly two decades after CCD had formed a group home, initially housing teenage boys from a government orphanage. Since 2008, rising rental costs have forced the home to relocate six times. In May 2024, CCD completed the purchase of a two-story building directly across from the foundation. The independent living center serves 10 young men, who cook together and do assigned chores.
“Finally, the foundation was able to secure a permanent home for the boys, allowing them to stay close to the foundation while enjoying the stability of their own space,” CCD said, adding that it made the purchase using a loan from the foundation’s funds. “We kindly ask for your prayers and support in helping to cover this expense.“
CCD said that it also focused on staff development by holding training sessions and sending representatives to study similar programs elsewhere. “The foundation hopes that all projects will continue to operate smoothly and grow to better serve underprivileged, disabled children. We deeply appreciate everyone who has supported our mission.”

Columbia Community Care Needs Diapers, Recruits Volunteers of All Ages
Columbia Community Care (CCC) distributes groceries, diapers, and personal care items at three distribution sites on Saturday mornings and has resumed making home deliveries to those without transportation. A shopper fulfills their grocery lists at the pantry and then delivers goods to the recipients’ homes. To volunteer, go to “Volunteer Opportunities.” Those who need help are urged to go to “Get Help” on CCC’s website.
Please keep collecting diapers, baby wipes, sanitary and personal care items, and adult diapers. Put them in the yellow bin marked “CCC” inside the Parish Hall. Our point of contact is Leigh Smith, who monitors the bin and delivers its contents.

LEMS Kindness Pantry News
In February, Jenny Cecil, Jan DeBoissiere, Sara Fitzpatrick, and Maggie Thompson were at LEMS to help 38 families at the Kindness Pantry. Once again, most of the food was taken, and the can openers were snatched up quickly. It is not possible to adequately thank all of you who contribute each month to help put smiles on the faces of the family members.
In addition to the pantry, your contributions provided clothing for boys who had just started coming to LEMS. We also gave lollipops to the school for Valentine's Candy Grams. This activity raises money for the counselors to assist students in a variety of ways. The students buy the Dum Dums and write notes of kindness to their teachers and friends. I will forward Cindy Drummond's email from Lake Elkhorn that explains this activity as well as many other great things that are happening there.
The next Kindness Pantry is Monday, March 10th, and you can sign up here. Please put your contributions in the blue bin in the narthex of New Brick anytime between now and March 9. The sooner, the better!

The MOCC's R.A.K.
The Men of Christ Church's Random Act of Kindness for the month of February will be to collect new stuffed animals that will be donated at the end of the month. We're asking that folks bring a new stuffed animal that can be donated to the Montgomery County Family Justice Center. The stuffed animals are provided to each child who comes to the Family Justice Center. This gesture offers a small but powerful source of comfort for youth victims of domestic violence.
For children, a stuffed animal serves as a tangible symbol of safety and care, offering them a sense of security and familiarity. This simple gesture helps ease anxiety, provides emotional support, and lets children know they are not alone as they begin their journey toward healing. A box/bag for collection will be located in the Narthex. Please help the Men of Christ Church with this effort.

FISH Asks for Volunteers As Well as Groceries and Toiletries in its Bin and Basket
FISH of Howard County is calling for new volunteers. If you are interested, ask parishioner Andy DeLong, who is FISH treasurer and a board member of the nonprofit, which provides committed support to Howard County residents.
Please continue to put non-perishable foods and toiletries in the FISH basket at the altar or in the marked yellow bin on the breezeway between Old Brick and Parish Hall. The neighbors you help are grateful for all you do in their support.

DreamBuilders Upcoming Events
DreamBuilders Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction: Saturday, March 8th - We need your help for our biggest fundraiser of the year. Come and enjoy a spaghetti dinner, bid on our extraordinary silent auction items, and participate in our raffle for a large-screen TV. We also need your donations for the silent auction, and in serving the spaghetti dinner. This is a fun event and all proceeds go to fund our 2025 projects. Contact Cathy Gold or Stacey Frith to learn more.
DreamBuilders Mission Trip: June 15-21 - Registration is now open for our summer mission trip to build three homes in one week. Hazard lost about 10,000 homes in the flood of July 28, 2022. DreamBuilders have built 5 homes for them in the past two years, working with the Housing Development Alliance teams. No experience is required. Youth must have completed 9th grade to participate. Cost is $750 per missioner, and some funding is available. Registration closes on March 16th, so check out our website ( for more details, or ask Cathy Gold or Stacey Frith.
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.