Christ Church Outreach News: January 9, 2025
Inviting You to Join Our Monthly Outreach Meeting on Monday, Jan. 13
Learn the many ways to help others by joining us remotely for the Outreach Commission meeting on Monday, Jan. 13, at 7:30 p.m. Our mission has a local, national, and international scope. The Zoom link is here, the Meeting ID is 892 6873 6183, and the Passcode is Outreach! See you on Zoom!
DreamBuilders Meeting - This Sunday
Join us for the DreamBuilders General Meeting this Sunday, January 12th, at 3 p.m. at Temple Isaiah - Come hear about all the work we will be doing in 2025! We have a spring project with the ARC of Howard County in April, and we are talking with Bridges to Housing Stability about renovating one of their properties as soon as January! And we’ll be returning to Kentucky in June for another blitz build. We’ve got a great video to show off our 2024 Kentucky team, featuring our own Christ Church missioners, Jasmine, Alexander, and Kiona, along with their teammates.
Help the Homeless on Monday, Jan. 13, by Preparing a Dish for Grassroots’ Emergency Shelter or Serving a Meal at Its Day Resource Center
On the second Monday of each month, Christ Church provides a hot midday meal for the homeless at the Day Resource Center (DRC) and drops off dinner for 50 to 70 residents at its Emergency Shelter, formerly called the Live-In Facility. We last participated on Dec. 9 (see photos). Both are operated by the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. A team led by Outreach member Shahra Toth makes side dishes and desserts that we serve in person after car-pooling to the DRC.
To join us on Monday, Jan. 13, please check our DRC online signup form, which describes the midday meal procedure. Drop-off time is 12:45 p.m. in the parking lot near Old Brick for DRC’s side dishes. Later, parishioners who cook or shop for the evening meal at Grassroots’ shelter arrive in the Old Brick parking lot between 3:15 and 3:30 p.m. Get details in our Grassroots online signup form. Grassroots staff serves the evening meal. It’s efficient to provide for both venues on the same day. Your donations and Vestry-approved funds pay for the fried chicken entrees. Thank you!
Christ Church Donates $500 to Home of Our Own Howard
To help formerly homeless families get a fresh start, the Outreach Commission in December approved sending $500 of Vestry-approved funds to support a nonprofit organization that works closely with several of our partners. Home of Our Own Howard, Inc. (HOOO) provides new or gently-used donated furniture and household items to families in need. For example, Bridges to Housing Stability collaborates with HOOO to equip clients as they achieve housing. The same furniture that recipients welcome can also be a burden to residents who must downsize; the Outreach Commission has referred parishioners to HOOO as they cope with that process.
The organization expressed gratitude and described plans to put the donation to good use. HOOO’s goal is to enhance the comfort, dignity, and quality of life of residents in transition to permanent housing. Most items are donated, but some things, such as mattresses, are purchased directly. In addition, HOOO currently utilizes a space that has been lent to the organization but envisions operating from its own warehouse to have a bigger impact in the community.
“Words really can’t express how grateful I am for Christ Episcopal Church’s generosity,” wrote HOOO Vice President Moses Matthews. The funds were derived from parishioners' contributions to Christ Church. Thank you to everyone who made this donation possible!
CCC Calls for Translators, Shoppers and More in the New Year
Columbia Community Care (CCC) has called for volunteers at its distribution sites and for translators and “shoppers” at its pantry in the Long Reach Village Center. After a holiday break. home delivery resumed on Jan. 3 to those without transportation. A shopper fulfills their grocery lists at the CCC pantry, located at Suite 107, 8775 Cloudleap Ct., and then delivers goods to the recipients’ homes. To volunteer, go to “Volunteer Opportunities.”
Those who need help are urged to go to “Get Help” on CCC’s website.
Please keep collecting diapers, baby wipes, sanitary and personal care items and adult diapers. Put them in the yellow bin, marked “CCC,” inside the Parish Hall. Our point of contact is Leigh Smith, who monitors the bin and delivers its contents.
FISH Asks for Volunteers As Well as Groceries and Toiletries in its Bin and Basket
FISH of Howard County is calling for new volunteers. If you are interested, ask parishioner Andy DeLong, who is FISH treasurer and a newly-elected board member of the nonprofit, which provides committed support to Howard County residents.
Please continue to put non-perishable foods and toiletries in the FISH basket at the altar or in the marked yellow bin on the breezeway between Old Brick and Parish Hall. The neighbors you help are grateful for all you do in their support.
Lake Elkhorn Middle School Kindness Pantry for January
It's been humbling to see the number of you who have volunteered to assist with the new LEMS Kindness Pantry. Thank you! We only need a few more contributions for the next Lake Elkhorn Middle School Kindness Pantry on Monday, January 13, between 2 and 4:00 p.m. As you know, struggling families are in greater need during the winter. In December, we had very few items left by the end of the two hours the pantry was open. There were families from all backgrounds, including a family from Afghanistan who had only been in the US for a week.
There is a blue bin in the New Brick Narthex where you can contribute. The list of items has changed from last month, so please click on the Sign Up Genius link below and put your name next to the items you would like to give. We need your contributions by Sunday, January 12, at the very latest. Visit our SignUp Genius list for all the details. Thank you so much for your generosity! Let Cathy Whittaker know if you have questions -
Sutton Scholars Fundraiser at TopGolf - February 20
Join the Board of Sutton Scholars for a fundraiser partnering with TopGolf in Baltimore. The Sutton Scholars High School Enrichment Program helps Baltimore City high school students become confident, competent, and capable contributors to their communities by equipping them with the life skills that are essential for academic, workplace, and personal success. Whether you are a golf aficionado or want to have a fun night out with friends, we invite you to gather at TopGolf on Thursday, February 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Learn more here.
MOCC School Fundraiser
Christian Beginnings Preschool is a Christ-centered and ADW-approved preschool that is fully accredited by the Maryland State Department of Education. They offer classes for three- and four-year-olds (pre-K) during the school year. Their philosophy is that our students will begin to see God in their world and in others while learning and playing in a joyous Christian setting. The school offers a Christian foundation with an emphasis on kindness, caring, and seeing & sharing the love of God in many ways.
This school was established in 1996 by Ed Chrzanowski’s mother, Marie Rose Chrzanowski. CBP continues as an amazing learning experience for the children of the St. John Vianney Catholic Church community and serves as a testament to her memory.
The MOCC are asking the Christ Church family to help us support our brother Ed, and honor his mother’s memory by making a contribution to the continued mission of this amazing program. The goal is to make a donation in Rose’s name to the preschool. We will be collecting donations for the next few months, and they canbe made by using Realm (choose "Men of Christ Church" in the FUND dropdown and write "preschool fundraiser" in the memo line) or by check.
The MOCC thanks everyone in advance for their generosity as we look to provide a token of gratitude for the legacy of a wonderful soul and educator. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Duane Smith at
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.