Christ Church Outreach News: November 10, 2022
Our Thanksgiving Food Drive (Non-perishables only) for the Howard County Food Bank Continues until November 17th
Christ Church partners with the Community Action Council of Howard County (CAC), and we’re showing our support by conducting a food drive for Thanksgiving. Now’s the time to expand your grocery lists, as items are to be dropped off by Thursday, November 17th. Members of the Outreach Commission will deliver them to CAC’s Howard County Food Bank on Friday morning, November 18th.
In 2022, the Food Bank expects to feed about 1,000 people for Thanksgiving and another 1,000 for Christmas by distributing "Holiday Meal Kits." You can support this effort by bringing non-perishable food items that include the usual sides: boxed mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, gravy, cranberry sauce, olives, pickles, and cans of fruit and vegetables (low-sodium preferred).
Because families may find their pantries are bare overall this time of year, please consider adding items such as tuna and pasta from the Food Bank’s non-seasonal wish list (see the flier on last week's Outreach blog).
Place goods on the Thanksgiving-decorated table in the Narthex. Alternatively, you can remain outdoors and place them in the new, yellow bin marked “Thanksgiving Food Drive” located on the breezeway near the door to Old Brick. In cold weather, please put any glass jars in the Narthex collection. NOTE: The food bank is not collecting pies, other desserts, rolls, or turkeys due to perishability.
DreamBuilders Local Project for the ARC of Howard County: November 12 & 13
DreamBuilders will be renovating a group home in Columbia, replacing the kitchen floor, and upgrading several damaged doorways. We need 10 volunteers daily to complete the work over a single weekend, as the residents will be relocated during the renovation. The workday will be 8:30-4:00 each day, and lunch will be provided. This project is open to youth in seventh grade and older and adults. No experience is necessary, and all training and supervision will be provided. You can register for this project through the DreamBuilders website: If you have any questions, contact Cathy Gold or Stacey Frith.
Join Us for an Interfaith Vigil for Refugees This Sunday Evening
Christ Church’s Refugee Ministry will host United We Pray: Interfaith Vigil for Refugees this Sunday, November 13th at 7:00 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church. This community service is open to people of all faiths and traditions, as we gather to show our unified support for those around the globe forced to leave their homes due to war, persecution, or disaster. We will pray particularly for our refugee neighbors who live, work, and attend school in our communities.
The service, to be held in St. John’s at 9120 Frederick Rd. in Ellicott City, will include readings, prayers, music, and reflections from the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and Quaker faith traditions.* A light reception will follow in the adjoining All Saints Hall building immediately following the service, with the opportunity for refreshment and fellowship, and the chance to meet some of the refugee families in our area. We welcome all community members to this event, as united we pray for the plight of refugees around the world.
*Sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church, Columbia Jewish Congregation, Dar Al-Taqwa Mosque, Hindu American Seva Communities, Patapsco Friends Meeting (Quakers of Howard County), and Christ Episcopal Church.
Invitation to Remotely Attend the Outreach Meeting on Monday, November 14th
The holiday period is the perfect time to get involved in Outreach at Christ Church. Get started by attending the commission’s monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 14th. Help us fulfill our mission, which has a local, national, and international scope. The Zoom link is in our Monday email, or reach out to us at and we'll send you the details.
Hear the Call: SLYC’s Training Session for After-School Tutors is November 15th
For those considering a hands-on opportunity to work with youth in West Baltimore, please plan to attend a remotely-held tutor’s training session on Tuesday, November 15 from 5 to 6 p.m. (see flier) “Foundation for Success: Academic Intervention Program” is a free session to be held on Zoom.
St. Luke’s Youth Center operates year-round as the nonprofit SLYC at 217 N. Carey St., Baltimore, MD 21223. Volunteers will spend at least an hour a week between 3 and 5:30 p.m.
Christ Church is among SLYC’s partners, along with secular supporters, other parishes and the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. Parishioner Michon Semon, who serves as the SLYC liaison on the Outreach Commission, can tell you what it’s like to volunteer there. We’re also participating in the raffle of a queen-size quilt made by parishioner Nancy Winchester. To buy tickets (on sale through December 2), email
Volunteer to Serve a Meal or Add to the Menus Enjoyed by Our Homeless Friends at the DRC and Grassroots
Once again you can take part in the Christ Church tradition of helping the homeless on the second Monday of each month. To join us on November 14th, please sign up by Sunday, November 13th.
If you wish to volunteer or bring food for the Day Resource Center (DRC) at the Dorsey Center, our DRC online signup form describes the procedure. The drop-off time for side dishes, desserts, and fruit is 12:45 p.m. in the Christ Church parking lot near Old Brick. In-person volunteers also gather at that time to carpool to Jessup.
Parishioners who cook or shop for the evening meal for 50 residents of a live-in center on Freetown Rd. make their drop-off later, arriving in the parking lot at 3:15 p.m. A volunteer transporting the food departs at 3:30 p.m. Get details in our Grassroots online signup form. We most recently took part in both on October 10th.
These facilities for the homeless are both operated by the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. It’s efficient to provide for groups at two separate venues on the same day. Your donations and Vestry-approved funds pay for the fried chicken entrees. Thank you!
Both the DRC and the Live-In Facility have broader needs for their pantries and welcome in-kind donations to be dropped off for delivery on the second Mondays. Look for the monthly needs list under the words “Related Files” on each online signup site. For information, email After the November meals, coordinator Nancy Winchester will hand off to coordinator Shahra Toth, with the continuing assistance of Dione Mahoney.
Seafarers Donations Needed
Several times a year, WOCC delivers your generous donations in support of the Center’s mission to serve seafarers’ spiritual and practical well-being. We have one more delivery this year, so please place your donations in or near the Seafarers bin in the Tower Room of New Brick by November 15th. Seafarers especially appreciate our donations of:
Stationery goods, such as calendars, note paper, and cards
Warm clothing, such as socks, hats, gloves, and scarves; and
Magazines like Sports Illustrated; National Geographic; Smithsonian; New Yorker; Baltimore Magazine; Travel Magazine; and Discover.
You may contact if you have any questions. The Center thanks you for your ongoing generosity!
Columbia Community Care Requests Diapers, Personal Care Items
At Christ Church, members of R.A.G.E and the Outreach Commission ask parishioners to continue to support the all-volunteer organization, Columbia Community Care (CCC). Look for updates posted in the CCC Facebook Group or on the “I Can Help” portion of its website. Please keep collecting diapers, baby wipes, sanitary and personal care items, and adult diapers. Drop off items in the yellow bin, marked “CCC,” inside the Parish Hall on weekdays when the church office is open or on Sunday. Our point of contact is parishioner Leigh Smith.
FISH Asks Our Prayers Along with Snacks and Cookies
Our representative from FISH of Howard County recently had surgery. Paul Wisniewski is recovering; please pray for his good health. Pickups have resumed from our yellow bin between Old Brick and the Parish Hall. Please continue donating cookies, crackers, and snacks to fulfill the shopping lists. Thanks for your contributions to our neighbors in need.
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.