Christ Church's Annual Meeting is Today
The Christ Church Annual Meeting is taking place today, November 10th. On this day we will have only one service in New Brick, and that takes place at 9:30 a.m. Afterwards, we'll share a potluck brunch in the lower level of NB, and then return to the church for our meeting.
We'll gather to celebrate the life of our community, and to show our appreciation to those Christ Church Vestry members who are concluding their terms - Mike Humkey, Dione Mahoney, Paula Rees and Duane Smith. We will also welcome new leaders for the ministry of the Church. Parishioners who have offered themselves for nomination to serve on the Vestry are: Lynn Foor, William Ben Jackson, Greta Pike-Barnes and Jason Whong. Childcare will be available.
We hope that you all will join us in this important annual gathering that celebrates our parish family's last year together, and looks forward to what's still to come.