Do It Afraid
A little over a week ago, the Vestry passed the Ministry Resource Statement - the budget for the year. This was after a sober reflection by Vestry members over several weeks. As a matter of fact, the Treasurer sent a draft copy to Vestry members in mid-November, so each member had more than ample time opportunity to scrutinize the statement.
During both the November and December meetings, questions were asked, concerns were raised, and ambivalence was expressed. But after a thorough explanation by the Treasurer, the Vestry voted to approve this ambitious Ministry Resource Statement, and later, during worship, I shared this news with the entire congregation.
One of the elements of it was the desire to call for an Associate Rector who would support the myriads of ministries that enrich our common life. There is no question that we need an extra set of eyes, hands, and hearts to help with our life-giving ministries.
I am writing this piece a couple of days after the annual Christmas pageant at Christ Church. It is humbling to say that that was the first time in my tenure that I have seen so many children and adults attend that particular service. It was incredibly heartwarming to see the life and vibrancy of our congregation.
I am sure those who were in the sanctuary would express sentiments similar to mine. For me this is the future of Christ Church, and I am so convinced that it is our duty to ensure that we continue to grow and develop to ensure the future sustainability of our beloved Christ Church. More than that, we have to work hard to ensure that Christ Church continues to share the good news of Christ to a hungry world.
After seven years of serving you here, I feel so optimistic about the future of Christ Church. Your faithfulness and dedication to this community of faith blows my mind, and I can only be thankful to God for the gift of each of you and continue to celebrate you for your faithfulness, kindness, and generosity.
When I shared with a parishioner the news that we passed an ambitious budget, the likes of which we have not done before, she shared a speech with me, one by a valedictorian that has been trending on Instagram. The title of the speech is Do It Afraid. I listened to it and found it to be so inspiring.
The young man talked about being introduced to a BHAG at a leadership conference. BHAG stands for Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal. He explained BHAG as something that makes you excited and keeps you moving forward. The "B" is for a goal that is big and transformative, the "H" is for a goal that is messy and uncertain and forces you to grow as you solve it, and the "A" represents something that is audacious and daring.
As I reflected on his thoughts, I asked if we at Christ Church could also practice BHAG. As a matter of fact, we have been practicing it all along without actually naming it as such - and we did it afraid.
When I think of BHAG at Christ Church, I think about Fr. Shields leading the congregation in building New Brick and expanding access to worship space for our community. That was BHAG, and we did it, afraid, with a strong community.
When I think about BHAG at Christ Church, I think about Fr. Ginnever marshaling the forces within the congregation to pay off our mortgage and re-energize the parish because he valued the importance of a healthy and thriving congregation. That was BHAG, too, and we did it with a strong community - afraid.
As we approach our 300-year anniversary, we cast our minds back to celebrate all the work that has been done by you, the faithful people over many years. We also look forward to a future in which we may have to embrace another BHAG. I trust in God that when we commit ourselves to a big, audacious goal, we will do it afraid because we not only have a strong community, but we have faithful parishioners who care deeply about this place and what happens here.
The Vestry passed an ambitious budget, and like the year before, and the year before last, and like the preceding years, we did it afraid. And for next year, we will do it afraid - not with a fear that inhibits, but with a fear that is rooted in our trust in God.
As we bring the year to a close, I’d like to say that I am eternally grateful to each of you for all that you do to support our common life. No gift has been too small to express the depth of God’s love that we feel in our hearts. And no gift has been too large to express the breath of God’s love that we feel in our lives. You have been faithful, you have been committed, and you have been generous.
I pray and commit the coming year into God’s hands. We will have some big decisions to make, and we will do it afraid because we trust in God.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.