Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols - This Sunday

Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
This Sunday, December 22, at 6 p.m. in New Brick at Christ Church
Christ Church in Columbia, Maryland presents our annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in New Brick, a truly wonderful gathering whose origins date back to late 19th century England. Everyone is welcome to join us this Sunday, December 22, at 6:00 p.m. for this celebration of glorious carols, anthems, and hymns led by our wonderful choir, interspersed with Bible passages read by fellow community members.
Gather for an evening of joyful expression, in word and song, of the greatest story that has ever been told.
You are also welcome to join us for our Christmas services, and you can find those details on our website - https://www.christchurchcolumbia.org/christmas-at-christ-church
The service leaflet for tonight's service can be found here.