FINAL DAYS to Send In Your LMB Submissions!

We are now getting the 2025 edition of Christ Church's Lenten Meditation Book ready, but we need your help! The LMB, this year, titled Reaching Out in Faith, is created with love and designed to assist us all in times of quiet contemplation, preparing ourselves for rebirth and renewal at Easter. Poems, quotes, stories of reflection, images, prayers, and inspirational pieces by writers or theologians - they all come together to make up this special booklet - one that you can take home with you and use each day during the season.
To accomplish this, we must have all submissions in by THIS SUNDAY, February 16 to edit and publish this work in physical and digital form, the latter of which is viewed by many thousands of individuals worldwide throughout Lent. That gives us less than a month for submissions, so please don't delay. You can submit these by name or anonymously - your choice. If you need help getting started, visit and check out past years' reflections. Submit yours by email to or place it in the Spiritual Life mailbox in the Church office. Questions? Speak with Ellen Hoke at church, or email the above address.