Holy Saturday at Christ Church - 7 p.m. in New Brick

Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil and Eucharist, Lighting of the New Fire, and Baptisms
Saturday, April 8th
7:00 p.m. in New Brick
As the church awaits the glory of the resurrection, Holy Saturday is a day of preparation. As the sun sets, bringing with it the end of the Lenten season, one of the most beautiful services of the entire church year is held. We begin in utter darkness, signifying Christ in the tomb, and then a new fire is lit & blessed, and with it the Paschal Candle symbolizing Christ. As the Paschal Candle is carried into the church, the light is passed to parishioners whom each hold a candle. As the church is illumined by just candlelight, the ancient hymn The Exsultet is sung. Then, within that light, lessons are read which remind us of God’s desire for man’s salvation. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism takes central focus on the priesthood of all believers and then we celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter. The darkness is now full light!
Deacon Denise's service can be read here, or you can watch her deliver it in the livestream video below.