Join Us in Showing Deacon Denise Our Thanks

We'd rather not think about this, but we have to... Deacon Denise's ministry at Christ Church is coming to an end this Sunday, as she prepares for her new role as Deacon at St. Peter's in Ellicott City this fall.
After this Sunday's 10:30 worship, we'll have a huge celebration in her honor in the Great Hall. It's a potluck, so please visit and sign up to bring something for our meal together. There are still slots available, so grab yours now!
We are also gathering donations in appreciation of Deacon Denise, so if you wish to contribute please visit Realm, choose either "General Offering" or "Refugee Ministry" from the FUND dropdown menu, and be sure to write "Deacon Denise" in the MEMO line. You can also place a check in the collection plate on Sunday.
AND... if you have any photos of Deacon Denise during her time at Christ Church, please email them to Chris at ASAP.
Thank you.