Lenten Compline - Each Thursday Until Holy Week

Looking for an opportunity to deepen the spiritual practice of prayer and meditation? During this Season of Lent, Christ Church will be offering a Lenten Compline on March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and April 2nd. The service of Compline {pronounced cóm-plin} is based on the closing time of prayer in the Daily Office, or monastic cycle of prayer. It is said when darkness has fallen and bedtime is near. The thoughts that inspire our prayers during Compline are the need we have of divine protection against the powers of darkness. We also pray for peace and rest as night falls. Please join us in Old Brick at 7:00 p.m. for a quiet and contemplative time of prayer and reflection as we look towards the Passion and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.