Lenten Evening Prayer - Weeknights throughout the Season

Lenten Evening Prayer
Weeknights at 8 p.m. on YouTube, Facebook, and our website
During Lent this year, Mother Marcia Davenport presents us with a nightly Lenten Evening Prayer livestream, and if you haven't tuned in to any of these yet, you're truly missing out. She leads us in a brief worship using different prayer books from around the world, followed by a unique, personal reflection.
They go live at 8:00 p.m. each weeknight, but you can view all of these on our website at https://www.christchurchcolumbia.org/lenten-evening-prayer, our YouTube page, or our Facebook page, at any time. Don’t miss this beautiful way to worship in your own time at home during Lent, as it's a perfect way to close out another day.