Lenten Meditation : A Joyful Gift
Recently, I was privileged to go on a trip to Iceland with two friends. We went to Iceland Noir, a mystery writers’ convention in Reykjavik. We three are avid readers of mysteries, especially Nordic ones. It was a marvelous trip, interesting, informative, and a lot of fun.
On the Friday whilst we were there, I “celebrated” what would have been my 50th wedding anniversary if, sadly, had not lost my husband a few years ago. Wonderful though the trip was, I was feeling rather sad.
That particular evening, one of my favorite authors, Louise Penny, was speaking. Coincidentally her personal assistant was sitting in front of us. When the session was over, I asked her if she would give Louise Penny a message. She said no, but to give it to her myself. So, I joined the short line to speak to her.
I told her what the day was for me and how much her books had helped me in the early days of my widowhood. I also told her I cried when she lost her husband as I understood what she was going through, whereupon she put her arms around me. She gave me a big hug. We had a very quick, quiet conversation.
I cannot describe to you the feeling of warmth that this encounter had given to me. She had turned a sad day into a beautiful one that I will remember always. That evening, she was a joyful gift to me, one for which I am very, very grateful.
~submitted by Cheryl L.