Our First 2023 WELSS was a Huge Success!
We had a fantastic turnout for the first program of our 2023 Wednesday Evening Lenten Supper Series - more than 60 people joined us in person and on Zoom to hear Bishop Ihloff's presentation. He gave us his perspective on our Spiritual Life Theme for the year, "Be an Instrument of God's Peace" and it was enriching and engaging. Father Manny and Deacon Denise then led us in a brief Communion to wrap up the evening. Many thanks to everyone who helped make the event a success - to Ellen Hoke and the Spiritual Life Commission, to the WOCC for the delicious meal, to Bishop Ihloff for joining us for his third straight year, to the CEC staff for setting things up, and to every attendee for making it a rich exchange of thoughts and ideas.
Join us at 6:30 p.m. next Wednesday as we welcome Deacon Jane O’Leary of St. John’s Episcopal, Havre de Grace!