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Saturday Song : Instrument of Peace

On weekdays during the season of Lent, we post daily meditations on our website, and on Saturdays we include a piece of music, as well. These songs are submitted by parish family members and friends of Christ Church, and meant to uplift, comfort, and inspire.

We hope that you enjoy.

Instrument of Peace

Where there is hatred

Let me bring love

Where there is doubt

Let me bring faith

Where there is falsehood

Let me bring truth

Where there is pain

I'll comfort you

Where there is silence

Let me sing praise

Where there's despair

Let me bring hope

Where there is blindness

Let me bring sight

Where there is darkness

Let me bring light

And with these words I speak

Grant that I may not seek

To be heard but to hear

To be consoled but to console

Not to be seen but to see

To be loved but to love

For when we give love

We will receive

When we forgive love

We'll find reprieve

It is in dying

We'll be released

Make me an instrument of peace

This is a contemporary rendering of St Francis of Assisi's prayer, "Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace". I noticed they took out the "Your" part in this new title and new arrangement. The "Your" refers to the divine "Your". There is peace; and then there is the "Peace that surpasses all understanding" offered by God. Which peace are you after?


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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