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Staff Update

In a couple of weeks, we will begin our program year. As many of you know, we have had some of our staff move on to different organizations and so we have been on a hiring spree. I’d like to keep you posted on where we are:

Priest Associate:

I have called The Reverend Marcia Davenport as the Priest Associate for Christ Church. Marcia served here at Christ Church during the tenure of our beloved Rector, Jim Shields, who passed away a few days ago. Marcia has served at different places since, most recently in Ireland. Marcia will be with us for fifteen hours a week and she will primarily be working on children formation. Her other responsibilities will be adult formation and small groups. Marcia begins her ministry at Christ Church on September 1st as a non-stipendiary Associate.

Parish Administrator:

Over the past year, we have been supported in the office by Yetti Lipede as the interim Parish Administrator. I sincerely appreciate her dedication and commitment to Christ Church. She has served this church very well. I want to also thank Paula Rees, who chaired the search for a new Parish Administrator. She was ably supported by Michon Semon, Isaac Olajide, Matthew Gately, Jonelle Ocloo, and Jan DeBoissiere. Through their work, we have a new Parish Administrator, Aisha White, who will begin with us on September 1st. Aisha will be in church on Sunday so please come by and say, "Hello" to her.

Youth Minister:

One of our goals has been to have a Youth Minister who will rally our youth for formation, service, and outreach. We are excited to be offering this new Christ Church position of Youth Minister to Todd Domer. He will be working with clergy and parents on growing our youth ministry. Todd will also be with us this Sunday; please come by and offer him the warmest Christ Church welcome.

Director of Music:

A few weeks ago, we bid goodbye to Adam Detzner, our Director of Music for the past three years. My promise was that we would move quickly and fill that position. Thankfully, we have attracted a great number of candidates and have now narrowed it to two. I want to thank Nancy Schempp, who chaired the search and served alongside Sara Kirkpatrick, Jan DeBoissierre, Laura Nyanjom, Sonni Aribiah, Heather Kelso, Diane Phillps-Laguerre, Doug Jimmerson, JB Hanson, Lynn Foor, and Jenn Lavanish. It is my hope to make a decision next week.

I’d like to thank Chris Pouch, our Communications Administrator. Chris has been phenomenal, and I am always in awe of his dedication to Christ Church. He keeps all of us in the loop about our common life. I cannot thank him enough for all the work that he does.

Lastly, I am thankful for the ministry of the Reverend Denise. It has been a great joy having her at Christ Church. She has been a great support during these turbulent times and I look forward to many more years of partnership and service.

On my part, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve here at Christ Church. This is a magnificent parish with enormous potential, and serving you continues to be the joy of my life.



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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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