Take the 2023 Christ Church Auction Quiz!
Take this short quiz about the 2023 Christ Church Auction:
What is the single largest Christ Church fundraiser?
Where is a great place to do some fun holiday shopping?
When does the online auction begin this year?
What is a great thing to do on the first Saturday night in November?
What is the date for this year’s Live Auction?
Where will the Auction be held?
(answers are below)
How many questions did you get right?
If you got the all, you win free entrance to the Live Auction.
JUST KIDDING! Even if you didn’t get all (or any) of them correct, entrance to the auction is free for everyone!
Mark your calendars!
Enter donations on the Auction website by Sunday, October 8th.
Silent online auction begins October 28th
Silent, in-person and live auctions on Saturday night, November 4th
The official auction website is up and running, and QR code and links taking you there are at www.christchurchcolumbia.org/auction. You can also go directly to the auction website and enter your donations by visiting https://christepiscopalchurch.schoolauction.net/cec2023auction. You can also email the Christ Church Auction Committee at auction@christchurchcolumbia.org with a description and pictures of your donated item(s), or if you have any questions.
Your DONATIONS are needed! The auction is not even two months away - that is fewer than 60 shopping days, folks! Once again, we will hold Christ Church's Annual Auction online for a week, ending in a fun- and fellowship-filled evening with a silent and in-person, live auction. Start thinking about great gifts and ideas that you can donate in order to help raise funds to support many of our ministries.
The Annual Auction
The Christ Church 34th Annual Auction
October 28
Attend the Annual Auction
November 4
New Brick, lower level