WOCC News for January, 2024
Greetings! The WOCC have lots of things planned for the coming year.
First, we are asking all women to wear red for Heart Health Month to help raise awareness to all about the risks of heart disease for women. Please send pictures of yourself wearing red to WOCC@christchurchcolumbia.org by next Monday, January 29th.
Second, we are to kick off our collection for the Seafarers home. They are looking for hats, gloves and scarves. Please visit the Seafarers website, which has patterns for hats, socks, cowls and scarves.
Finally, we welcome the WOCC's new officers for 2024:
President - Shahra Toth
Vice President - Traci Eaton
Secretary - Cindy Read
Financial Secretary - Suzanne Ziobro
Chaplain - Carol Abbott
And we want to thank Cathy Gold and Mary Vail for their faithful service!
We hope to have you join us for our next meeting on Monday, February 5th either in the Great Hall of New Brick, or online on Zoom (details to come). Our meeting begins at 1:30. If you have items you would like us to consider, please let us know and we can add those to the agenda.