Our Worship
Our worship is centered on Holy Communion, also known as the Eucharist.
We adhere closely to The Book of Common Prayer, as it is God's way of bringing us together in prayer and praise. The BCP contains both the liturgy or structure of our services, as well as the language we use for worship services, weddings, baptisms, funerals and other events important to our Christian faith.
Each worship service begins by praising God through song and prayer, followed by readings from the Bible and a sermon. After the sermon, the congregation recites the Nicene Creed, the ancient Christian statement of faith, and prays together for the church, our community, the world, and those in need. This is followed by a confession, in unison, of our sins, and followed by absolution.
The service culminates with Holy Communion, when the celebrant blesses the bread and wine that will be offered to the congregation as the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Believers of any denomination are invited to share the bread and wine. Following a prayer of thanksgiving and Eucharistic Visitors' prayer, the congregation is blessed, and then dismissed.
Each Sunday, Christ Church hosts two services, with Holy Eucharist at 8:00a.m. and at 10:30a.m. The 10:30a.m. service also has the addition of music and hymns. With the exception of the Lenten season, these services observe the more contemporary Rite II of the Book of Common Prayer. During Lent, these services follow the traditional Rite I that can be traced to the first Book of Common Prayer, introduced in the 1500s. Occasionally, we also hold a Choral Evensong service at 5:00p.m. To be informed of our other services, check our Parish Calendar, or sign up for our weekly and monthly newsletters.
Nursery service is available during all Sunday services.
If you have any questions, please contact us.